Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Transformation Before Translation

I have to shout this man out. Dr. Gerald Jeffers is THE man! You all should youtube him or something. He speaks so much truth that it is scary. I even contemplated whether I should go to the service or not. But I went because so many things were telling me to go. So I went and the word was awesome. It was "Transformation Before Translation."

Simply put he spoke on how we should be transformed BEFORE we are translated. Translating is taking from one form and putting it in another. So what he was getting at is God cannot translate us in better and new situations until we are transformed because we will NOT be able to withstand in the situations we wish to be translated into unless we have the right heart and mind. If we don't then where we want to go would be pointless because we'll be right back at square one. Get it?

So we have to make up our minds to be transformed so our situations can be better. We have to LET God do what He does in us to be transformed. Instead of fighting the enemy we tend to fight God then blame it on Him because we believe in our minds that He HAS to make everything right. In order for God to be obligated to do something for us we have to first commit ourselves to Him and prove ourselves. We cannot reap without sowing.

But check Dr Jeffers out. I KNOW he is on youtube and stuff.

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