Thursday, November 4, 2010

Different Types of Worships

I invited some friends to come to Christian Fellowship with me but they declined. They didn't decline because something about the group bothered or conflicted with their faith but because of the type of people there. Every where we go we will always encounter people who are a different shade than our own or who worships differently than us. But in the end, we are still God's people.

The first time I ever worshipped with people who were different than me was the beginning of this year. At first I thought it was weird. Everything sounded so funny to me. But once I started to look passed than and really put myself in the discussions and what not it really didn't matter. They were just as hungry for God as my Sunday morning congregation at home. So I carried that experience with me to Christian Fellowship.

Worshipping with people who are different than you should not be a reason to NOT worship at all.

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