Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just the Beginning

God is so good. When He wants you to know or to do something He will let it be known. Lately I've been feeling that I am too comfortable just sitting in the pew at church. I feel that I've learned all that I can get by just coming to church on Sunday's. Then I started attending the services that didn't fall on a Sunday and going to events that I normally would pass over. Now that's still not enough for me. I feel that I need more. I want to be immersed by everything pertaining to God. And I think these feelings are getting some attention from God.

I know as well as God that I need to take it up a step because doing the things that I do is easy for me. I don't have to think about if I'll make it to service or not. I heard that once you become too comfortable in church (and I am extending that to my natural life also) then it will become easier for you to deviate and I don't need to go through that again. So I felt that I should step out in church more and become involved. Then I got an opportunity from God to each my Youth Pastor's (female) Sunday school class that I enjoyed very much. It was the push I needed. Then I just read another blog about being the light for others. It felt like her blog was literally speaking to me and brought up thoughts that I had in mind.

So now what I have to do is act on it and really seek God because I feel and know that all of this has purpose and meaning. It's only the beginning is what I am told :-.)

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